Akshara Yantra

Renewing Ecosystem, Environment, and Atmosphere.


Akshara Yantra is committed in renewing Ecosystem, Environment, and Atmosphere with its patent pending ground-based cloud-seeding weather modification technology.









Drought Mitigation Technology

Our ground-based cloud-seeding weather modification technology brings abundant rainfall to bring the water to healthy levels in surrounding water bodies such as rivers, lakes, wells, etc. by releasing environmentally friendly aerosol particles responsible for cloud formation and precipitation to mitigate droughts.


Wildfire Suppression Technology

Our ground-based cloud-seeding weather modification technology causes precipitation in the proximity that mitigates wildfires. Thus, reducing the damage, saving lives, property, and money spent. Our methods cost significantly lower than the present spending is done by the authorities and are more efficient than what the present technologies provide.


Ambient Air Pollution Control Technology

Akshara Yantra has a clean and green weather modification solution that can be implemented to address Ambient Air Pollution caused by vehicles and industries. Akshara Yantra did hundreds of experiments using its ground-based cloud-seeding technology on ambient air pollution focusing on each of the pollutants and greenhouse gasses to get a better handle on the pollution and observed great results by bringing AQI levels to health.

Atmosphere & Environment

Hurricane / Storm / Tornado Mitigation Technology

Our patent pending weather modification technology can reduce Hurricane / Storm /Tornado intensities, thus save lives, and reduce property damage. We did more than six live experiments in the US Gulf-of-Mexico region and successfully reduced the storm/hurricane/tornado effect significantly covering shorter distances (50-to-100-mile range) due to the small-scale experiment.

Contact us

Irving, Texas - USA
